Week days we share the meals : lunch and dinner. Family, friends and wwoofers are often gathering around big happy tables .
After 5 days on our wine domain, you can discover during the week end the wide touristic and cultural offers around us... and the first beaches are 30 mn away....
We welcome from 2 to 6 wwoofers in spring and summer. They have to be members of the French Wwoof site. Visit our presentation Grange de Bouys on Wwoof France
"Wwoofing" is a concept that exists only for organic structures such as our farm. It is an exchange of services: wwoofers are given a place to stay and meals and in exchange they help us in our everyday works and projects on the domain.
There are various activities to be done in the vines depending on the need and the season. It ranges from selecting the young buds in spring to harvesting grapes in August and September, not forgetting the caring of our recently planted vines.
There are always several projects running in order to restore the many supporting walls that we have throughout our domain. Florence always proposes a theoretical training before getting into some great Dry Stone achievements .
All the activities in the cave are done under Stephane's supervision. Work, Fun and Laugh! Including a presentation on wine making and a biodynamic experience. The periods with the most activity in the cellar are during bottling and after the harvest.
The vegetable garden brings us a daily amount of fresh, colorful and high in vitamines ingredients for our family meals.
Its permaculture patches, the orchard, the basin, the seedling table, the perennial plants and the annual plants give rhythm to our activities within the vegetable garden. These activities are undertaken manually with no use of systemic chemical products and according to the biodynamic lunar calendar and its fruit days, leaf days, flower days or root days.